Have you ever wondered why we talk about physical health so openly, yet mental health remains shrouded in silence? It’s time to break that silence. Welcome to ‘Mind Matters,’ where we explore the intricacies of our minds—their brilliance, their fragility, and their resilience. Let’s raise our collective voice and elevate mental health awareness, one conversation at a time with raay foundation.

 Life’s journey is filled with peaks and valleys, and our mental health is the compass that guides us through both. Don’t you think this guide deserves some peace in a way or other? Yeah, right! However, let us split a fact which is 1 in every 8 people in the world live with a mental disorder. Moreover, the dreadful fact is that the mentioned data has a high chance of increasing according to World Health Organisation (WHO). You must be thinking aren’t there any ways through which we can enhance the power of mental wellness. Considering the fact, WHO has took a initiative to elevate the importance of mental health as reserving a 1 day which is 10th October every year is to be celebrated as World Mental Health Day by establishing auspicious themes from “Improving the quality of mental health services throughout the world” to “Mental health is a universal human right”. The latter omnipotent thought should not be treated as only a tagline but a valid right which every human deserves.

 Singularly, everyone, whoever and wherever they are, has a right to the highest attainable standard of mental health. This includes the right to be protected from mental health risks, the right to available, accessible, acceptable, and good quality care, and the right to liberty, independence and inclusion in the community. Afterall , good mental health is vital to our overall health and well-being. Let us bring to light the few reasons why mental health should be given the attention and importance it deserves: as it can affects us in following ways, affecting us from physical health to relationships followed by our productivity.

 Nonetheless, be the ninja of your life and take care of your mental health by identifying the signs of stress and alleviate it through exercise & mediation. Correspondingly, self-care can be treated as cheery on the top, taking out the time for oneself is the best possible way to get rid of from any disorder combined with that, a key to connect with your friends, family or overall your dear networks gives you the sense of serenity in your way.

 Indeed, Our brain, the most intricate organ, deserves the same care as any other part of our body. Just as we exercise to keep our hearts healthy, we must nurture our minds. Let’s break down barriers and create a world where seeking help is celebrated. Undoubtedly, do prioritize mental well-being not just for yourself but for the prosperity of society as a whole.”



– Ayushi Nigam

Blog Writer